"The Batman vs. Dracula" was a spin-off of the animated series "The Batman," which debuted in 2004. The series did fairly well in the ratings, leading Warner Brothers Animation to release "The Batman vs. Dracula" on October 18th, 2005., capitalizing on the Halloween season and the home video release of the well-received "Batman Begins" on the same date.
The film is the first time outside of comic books that Batman faces that other guy with the cape and an association with bats, the Lord of the Undead himself, Dracula. The film uses the same fluid and dynamic animation style seen in the TV series its based on, though the film's tone is darker and the horror-level greater than what would be normally seen on television.
"The Batman vs. Dracula" is a great film to enjoy with the family during this Halloween season. It's not too scary or violent, features classic Batman villains Joker and Penguin, and of course, a new foe in the form of Dracula. Drac is pretty scary in the film and pushes The Batman to use his intellect to defeat him.
You can stream "The Batman vs. Dracula" on Amazon Instant Video, Netflix DVD, and Warner On Demand through YouTube. You can also buy a copy of the DVD on WalMart.comhttp://www.walmart.com/ip/4098489 and Amazon, though finding a copy in stores will be difficult right now. It's dirt cheap on Amazon and well worth the few bucks you'll pay to watch it. If you or someone in the family is a fan of Batman, superheroes, or animation, you'll enjoy the flick.
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