Well, here we are. At the end of a journey that has lasted almost thirty years.
The end of the Star Wars saga. Oh sure, the film's release last May was the "official" end. But today, November 1st 2005, marks the end in a different way. The story ended with the film's theatrical release, but as a Star Wars fan and collector, today the film saga ends more permanently with the release of Episode III on DVD. Sure, there will be the big "Ultimate Edition" boxset with all the DVDs and extra stuff, but that's a few years away. Today marks the completion of the saga. It's done. You can have the whole shebang to yourself.
Yeah, I know. Ner-dee. But hey, at least I'm not this excited about the latest derivation of crack. It's all about perspective, people.
Here's some pics celebrating the release of the last Star Wars film on DVD.
My Star Wars DVD collection before today. Notice the bareness of that space between the two trilogies...it begs "Please, complete me, complete meeee!" Or maybe not. I don't know.
Here I am at home having just purchased my copy of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I kissed my wife and daughter, said hello to my mother-in-law, and then went to the DVD shelf, baby!! Woohoo!
Here I am making room between Episodes I and II and Episodes IV-VI for Episode III. The empty gap between the trilogies was more eager than even I was. Yep.
Ah, The Moment of Moments. The addition of Episode III in its rightful place in the Star Wars saga. Sweet Mother of Yoda, this is it!!!
The first image of the saga now complete. Now finished. Holy.Crap. Here we go.
And now, the ultimate pic of the entire Star Wars Saga on DVD. Here it is, all of the cover artwork coming together thematically to paint the picture of the greatest saga ever committed to film:
Well, there it is. The End. Or is it? Time will tell...