Friday, October 18, 2013


In our information-saturated, fast-paced age, we are either not fully aware of the significance of an event or completely forget about a significant event not long after it has occurred.

On May 26th, 2012, the infamous "Miami Zombie" incident seized the attention of the world. Numerous reports of related cannibalistic attacks began to surface, and there was serious talk in the media as to whether or not a zombie outbreak was possible.
Rudy Eugene, left, attacked Ronald Poppo, right, eating most of his face and resisting police before succumbing to multiple gunshot wounds.

Perhaps strangest of all, the World Health Organization announced that a zombie outbreak is something the global community should be prepared for within the same month as the Miami zombie incident. The CDC featured "zombie preparedness" materials on its site, which it claimed was simply a means of "engaging a new audience with the preparedness message." The CDC's zombie site crashed, but was soon back up and remains so today.

Image from CDC zombie site
Is it possible that there is something we're not being told? Consider that there are many things humans have considered impossible before they happened: breaking the Earth's gravitational pull, putting a man on the moon, curing various diseases deemed incurable, and countless others. Is it not within the realm of extreme possibility that some sort of virus or other catalyst could lead to an outbreak of zombies, or at least, behavior similar to these fictional creatures and, frighteningly, Rudy Eugene, a.k.a., "The Miami Zombie?"

I leave it to you to decide what you want to think or feel about such things, and I also offer you a link to the CDC's zombie preparedness site. While the organization states that  it "does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead (or one that would present zombie-like symptoms),"
the fact remains that they continue to prominently feature zombie preparedness materials on their website.

Click here to visit the CDC Zombie Preparedness site.

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